Financial Statistics of Each Key Financial Indicator
- Period :
- annual
- semi-annual
- quarterly
- monthly
- weekly
- daily
Total revenue Accumulated
October 2020
- Total revenue --
Total expense Accumulated
October 2020Monthly
- Total Expenditure --
Fiscal balance Accumulated
October 2020Monthly
- Total revenue --
National Debt(central government) Accumulated
October 2020Monthly
- Total --
(2019) Annual
- Surplus --
National Property Status
(2020) Annual
- Total amount --
National Land Status
(2020) Annual
- Total area --
Outsourced pool of pension fund investment
(2016) Annual
- Total outsourced amount --
Rate of return from the outsourced pool of pension fund investment
(16 year) Quarterly
Guarantee Debt Status
(October 2020) Monthly
- Total amount --
Government Investment Status
(October 2020) Quarterly